All 302 /Books 0 /Children 0 /Children 50 /Doorstep 0 /Doorstep 10 /Family Portraits 5 /Gleaners 0 /Gleaners 13 /Life Style 0 /Life Style 8 /Main Oil Paintings 0 /Mother 0 /Mother 7 /Other 0 /Other 55 /Other 0 /Other 0 /Preliminary Studies, Drawings 0 /Problem-Question 69 /Problem-Question 0 /Scarecrow 40 /Scarecrow 0 /School Period 0 /School Period 0 /School Period 22 /Wall 23 /Wall 0

Children, 1965


Nude, 1949

Four Beauties, 1951

Three Beauties, 1951

Three Beauties, 1951

Three Beauties, 1950

Three Beauties, 1951

Joy of Living, 1950

Joy of Living, 1950

Mother and Children, 1957

Mother, 1959

Scarecrow I, 1968

Mother and Her Child, 1981

Mother and Her Child, 1981

Scarecrow III, 1987

Scarecrow IV, 1987

Scarecrow IV, 1987

Scarecrow V, 1988

Scarecrow V, 1988

Scarecrow V, 1987

Scarecrow VII, 1988

Scarecrow VIII, 1988

Scarecrow VIII, 1988

Scarecrow IX, 1988

Scarecrow IX, 1988

Scarecrow X, 1988

Sevin, 1999

Sevin, 2002

Sevi, 1984

Zeynep, 1986

Mother and Two Children, 1958

Mother and Child, 1958

Nude, 1944

Nude, 1941

Woman and Child, 1990

Scarecrow XII, 1987

Thinking Woman, 1950

Thinking Woman, 1950

Nude Figure 1, 1940

Nude Figure 2, 1943?

Portrait of a Man 1, 1940

Drawing 1, 1942

Drawing 2, 1942

Scarecrow VIII, 1988

Scarecrow XII, 1989

Scarecrow XII, 1989

Scarecrow VIII, 1988

Scarecrow VIII, 1980?

Scarecrow II, 1985

Sitting Man, 1944

Scarecrow III, 1987

Olcay, 1986

Children, 1968

Children, 1965

Gleaner I, 1978

Gleaner II, 1979

Gleaner II, 1979

Gleaner III, 1979

Siblings, 1981

Siblings, 1981

Child, 1982

Mehmet’s Son, 1973

Gleaners II, 1984

Gleaners II, 1984

Gleaners II, 1984

Gleaners I, 1984

Children, 1984

Children, 1984

Girl With Goat, 1987

Girl With Goat, 1987

Big Sister and Siblings, 1987

Big Sister and Siblings, 1987

Big Sister and Siblings, 1987

Children, 1987

Girl With Dog, 1987

Girl With Dog, 1987

Two Siblings, 1987

Goat and Child, 1991

Goat and Child, 1991

Children, 1997

Children, 1990

Children, 1989

Goat and Girl, 1991


Girl With Dog

Sisters, 1997

Girl Figure

Children, 1996



Gleaners II

Two Girls

Child, 1966

Sisters, 1997

Sitting Child


Figures of Children

Figure of Child

Girl With Goat

Figure of Child

Figure of Child

Figure of Child

Figures of Children

Figures of Children

Girl With Goat

Gleaners, 1961

Gleaners, 1961

Figures of Children

Figure of Child

Çocuk Figürü

Two Siblings

Figure of Child

Children, 1987

Gleaner I, 1978

Problem-Question IV, 1990

Problem-Question I, 1991

Problem-Question I, 1990

Problem-Question II, 1990

Problem-Question II, 1990

Problem-Question III, 1991

Problem-Question III, 1991

Problem-Question IV, 1990

Problem-Question IV, 1990

Problem-Question V, 1991

Problem-Question V, 1990

Problem-Question V, 1990

Three Figures With Pitchfork, 1990??

Problem-Question VII, 1993

Problem-Question VII, 1993

Problem-Question VII, 1993

Problem-Question VII, 1993

Problem-Question VIII, 1993

Problem-Question IX, 1993

Problem-Question XI, 1996

Problem-Question XI, 1994

Problem-Question X, 1992

Problem-Question X, 1992

Problem-Question XII, 2000

Sorun-Sorum, 1990

Problem-Question, 1990

Problem-Question, 1990

Problem-Question, 1988

Problem-Question XI

Problem-Question VI



Problem-Question, 1990-1991

Problem-Question, 1990-1991

Problem-Question V, 1990-1991



Problem-Question VI, 1991



Problem-Question III

Problem-Question VII

Problem-Question VII

Problem-Question XI


Problem-Question VII

Problem-Question, 1990



Problem-Question, 1991



Problem-Question I, 1990

Problem-Question I, 1990

Problem-Question XII, 2001

Problem-Question, 1990-1991









Problem-Question VII


Vintage, 1956

Vintage, 1956

Vintage, 1956

Vintage, 1956

Vintage, 1956

Vintage, 1956

Return From Fields, 1961

Father-Son , 1961

Father-Son , 1961

Death of the Calf, 1962

Break, 1962

Break, 1962

Earth, 1962

Problem, 1964

Problem, 1964

Problem, 1964

Problem, 1964

Problem, 1964

Depression, 1965

Depression, 1965

Another Life, 1970

Another Life, 1970

Another Life, 1970

Man of the Earth, 1974

Man of the Earth, 1974

Armless Durmuş’s Woman, 1980

Tale to the Earth, 1981

Tale to the Earth, 1981

Tale to the Earth, 1981

Tale to the Earth, 1981

Tale to the Earth, 1981

Hope, 2000

Figures, 1998

Two Figures, 1990

Figure of Woman, 1990

Two Figures with Goat and Beet, 1957

Sultan Woman, 1960

Evolution of Science, 1951

Evolution of Science, 1951

Nude Figure 4, 1943

Nude Figure 5, 194??

Armless Durmuş’s Woman


National Opera Building Fresco Contest Preliminary Study

Hope, 2000

Sitting Man

Sitting Woman, 1990

Sitting Man

Armles Durmus’s Woman, 1980

Death of the Calf

Four Beauties



Two Figures

Life Style I, 1957

Doorstep I, 1962

Doorstep I, 1962

Doorstep I, 1962

Wall I, 1963

Wall I, 1963

Wall II, 1972

Wall II, 1972

Wall II, 1972

Wall III, 1972-73

Wall III, 1972-73

Wall III, 1972-73

Wall III, 1972-73

Life Style II, 1974

Life Style II, 1977

Life Style II, 1974

Life Style II, 1974

Life Style II, 1974

Life Style II, 1974

Life Style II, 1974

Wall IV, 1975

Wall IV, 1975

Wall IV, 1975

Doorstep II, 1976

Wall V, 1981

Wall V, 1981

Wall V, 1981

Wall V, 1981

Wall VI, 1984

Wall VI, 1984

Wall VI, 1984

Wall VI, 1984

Scarecrow II, 1985

Scarecrow VI, 1988

Doorstep, 2000

Doorstep, 2000

Scarecrow XII, 1989

Scarecrow, 1986

Scarecrow, 1986

Scarecrow, 1987

Scarecrow, 1987

Scarecrow, 1987

Scarecrow, 1988

Scarecrow IV

Scarecrow, 1988

Wall IV

Doorstep, 2000

Scarecrow, 1987

Scarecrow, 1989

Scarecrow, 1987

Scarecrow, 1988


Scarecrow, 1986

Doorstep V

Scarecrow, 1986

Scarecrow, 1987

Doorstep, 2000

Doorstep, 2001

Jak Kamhi Vitrail, 1977

Wall V, 1981

Wall IV




Drawing with Donkey

Drawing with Donkey